Donga huaxin steel ball co. LTD
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Feature Products
supplynumber of high hardness wear - resistant precision high bearing steel ball
High precision bearing ball GCr15 ball
Huaxin steel ball factory sells 1.588 mm1.0 mm0.8 mm precision small steel balls
Grinding steel ball wear-resistant steel ball
Steel ball manufacturer
Steel ball manufacturer provides 6mm 7.14mm9mm solid environmental steel ball
Hot Q235 solid polished mirror carbon steel ball steel ball
Donga huaxin steel ball co. LTD
Qinan road, jianglou town, donga county, shandong province, China
Zhang Hui (sales manager)
Feature Products
Grinding steel ball wear-resistant steel ball
High precision bearing ball GCr15 ball
Steel ball manufacturer provides 6mm 7.14mm9mm solid environmental steel ball
supplynumber of high hardness wear - resistant precision high bearing steel ball
Hot Q235 solid polished mirror carbon steel ball steel ball
Steel ball manufacturer
Huaxin steel ball factory sells 1.588 mm1.0 mm0.8 mm precision small steel balls
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